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Operation and maintenance

Photovoltaic panels can experience damage over their lifetime, leading to a significant reduction in their performance. Even a single panel can notably reduce the total energy output of the installation. For this reason, it is important to conduct regular checks and performance measurements of photovoltaic panels to identify and address any problems promptly and optimize energy production. Even when photovoltaic panels are covered by a guarantee, it is necessary to check their performance to fully utilize the guarantee if needed.

Potential problems that photovoltaic panels can present:
  • Broken or damaged cells
  • Electrochemical corrosion (oxidation)
  • Grounding and insulation faults
  • Localized arcing or sparks
  • Damaged terminals
  • Faulty diodes
  • Cracks and fractures in the panel
  • Gradual performance reduction due to the PID (Potential Induced Degradation) effect
What AENAOS can do:

AENAOS offers a comprehensive performance evaluation of photovoltaic panels, which includes thermographic measurements to compare the current performance with the panels' original specifications. We also conduct a complete technical audit of the entire photovoltaic installation.

Upon completion of the audit, we provide a detailed technical report outlining all performed tasks, identified issues, and proposed solutions. All measurements are taken with certified instruments, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the results.

AENAOS also provides full operation and maintenance services for photovoltaic installations, including:

  • Continuous, 24/7 monitoring of the photovoltaic plant
  • Ongoing surveillance and analysis of the photovoltaic system's performance
  • Use of thermal cameras to detect hot or cold spots in the PV panels, identifying potential efficiency losses
  • Re-powering equipment to optimize efficiency
  • Preventive maintenance and technical inspections of electromechanical equipment
  • Fault diagnosis and repair, with immediate intervention within 36 hours of a fault
  • Monthly performance reports of the station
  • Monitoring of the I-V curve and treatment of the PID (Potential Induced Degradation) effect
  • Compilation of a detailed report upon completion of all operations


AENAOS offers annual inspections of photovoltaic installations, handling the repair and resolution of any issues. All of the above services are available for both residential and commercial photovoltaic systems, as well as photovoltaic parks, throughout Greece.

Why Choose Our Operation and Maintenance Services?

It is a cost-effective option because the investment pays off in a short period of time. In addition, the owner recovers the warranties of the photovoltaic panels that may have been lost in previous years. At the same time, the owner has the option of selling the old panels, ensuring a double financial benefit.

For more information, please contact us at tel. 210 275 6802, or in the or via the contact form below
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