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"Photovoltaics In The Field" Subsidy Program

On April 9th, 2024 the Ministry of Energy and Environment published a new subsidy program concerning Net-Metering & Net-Billing for farmers called "Photovoltaics in the Field" with a budget of €30 million.

Commence date of inclusion in the Program: 9/4

Expiry date for inclusion in the Program: 15/5


Applications can be submitted through the Electronic Platform

Important note:

No need to add battery

Submitting an application for a rural benefit or rural benefits does not exclude the applicant (farmer) from also submitting an application for his residence through the "Photovoltaics on the Roof" Program.

Installation on a building or on the ground

Installation on a building or on the ground

  1. Who does it concern?

 It concerns professional farmers, special status farmers and agricultural enterprises. They should have an active agricultural provision and be registered in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings in the current year.

  1. What do the beneficiaries gain?

A: Beneficiaries will receive a 30% subsidy and up to 350 euros per kW, with the amount of the subsidy not being added to the minor subsidies that farmers receive.

  1. Do they install PV with Net Metering or Net Billing?

For power applications up to 30kW, energy netting (Net Metering) is applied, while for applications from 31kW to 50kW Net-Billing with the excess energy being compensated at a fixed price by the Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP - as a simple self-producer ).

 4) What are the basic requirements for applying to the program?

  1. The beneficiary must not have started any work or order for the Photovoltaic Station.
  2. The non-existence of public support from any other financing program and concerns a PV Station.

 5) How many applications can be submitted per VAT number?

  • As long as it has more than one rural electricity supply, it has the possibility of submitting an application for the financing of a photovoltaic plant with a power of up to 50kW for each of them.

6) What is the order of priority in the applications that will be submitted?

  • The ranking of applications will be based on two groups of priorities and until the total budget is covered:
  • Priority group A: Photovoltaics up to 10.8kW B'
  • Priority group: Photovoltaics over 10.8kW and up to 50kW The applications in each group will be ranked based on the time order of their submission, while the program will also include runners-up.

7) In the event that the Beneficiary has already submitted an application for participation in the agricultural provision in the "Photovoltaics on the Roof" Program, is he allowed to submit a new application and join the "Photovoltaics in the Field" Program?

Allowed for a total power up to 30kW from both Programs as long as they are followed cumulatively the following conditions:

  1.  The new application in the "Photovoltaics in the field" Program concerns additional installed PV capacity station which has not been included in the existing application in the "Photovoltaics on the Roof" Program,
  2.  The Beneficiary has not started work on the additional installed capacity at the time of the application in the "Photovoltaics in the field" Program in accordance with article 2 point 23 of Regulation (EU) 651/2014, and
  3.  The station has not been connected - activated in terms of the additional installed capacity, at the time of the application for participation in the "Photovoltaics in the field" Program

8) What conditions must the installation site meet?

  1. The Beneficiary has the ownership or legal use of the installation site,
  2.  The installation should be legal in accordance with the relevant urban planning rules,
  3.  The building or property to be installed must legally exist. In the event that there are pending legalization/regularization issues in the building or property, the initial declaration of compliance with the Law of Regulating Unauthorized Constructions should have been made before submitting the application to the Program.

9) Type and amount of subsidy?

  • At a rate of 30% of the total cost, with a maximum PV Station subsidy amount of €350/kW. The upper amount does not include VAT (24%), which is not an eligible expense for the Program.

10) What are the eligible expenses?

  1.  Supply and installation of PV panels, inverter, as well as accessory materials (panels, cables etc.).
  2.  Supply and installation of base system.
  3.  Supply and installation of a PV meter.
  4.  Fee for study - dimensioning of the system under this condition is part of fixed assets of the business, as well as its installation work.

11) What is the process of implementing the program?

  • The Beneficiary does not need to have taken any action towards DEDDIE before submitting the application but is obliged, if he has not already submitted an application or does not already have a Final Connection Offer or Connection Agreement, within sixty (60) days from the posting of Final Tables of eligible applications, to submit a request to DEDDIE for a Final Connection Offer (if any) or to conclude a Connection Agreement as the case may be. In case of non-fulfillment of the obligation of the previous paragraph within the above time period is automatically disenrolled from the Program.
  •  DEDDIE proceeds with the granting of the Final Connection Offer (if required) or the conclusion of the Connection Agreement, if there is an available margin power reception rate at the respective Substation. In case of inability to connect the station, it is automatically disconnected from the Program.

12) What are the required supporting documents for payment of the subsidy and are they related to the PV Station?

  • CE certificates and technical brochures of the basic equipment of the system (Photovoltaic).
  • Photocopy of bank transaction documents (e.g. indicative of a deposit in the bank account of the contractors/suppliers, proof of completed electronic payment, proof of payment using a debit/credit card), with a stamp and signature from the supplier, from which the payment of the amount can be obtained which the Beneficiary has paid, if the payment of the participation was also required due to exceeding the maximum grant of article 19 or due to ineligible expenses.
  • Responsible Declaration of the Beneficiary of the project that the equipment used is new and unused and a detailed table with the Serial Numbers of the materials used. • Copy of the certificate of completion of connection with DEDDIE.


  • Payment of expenses in cash is not allowed
  • The installed power of the photovoltaic system in the connection activation request and correspondingly in the connection completion certificate issued by DEDDIE may deviate by up to 500w from the power indicated in the respective Final Connection Offer (if any) or Connection Contract and respectively in the related funding application.
For more information, please contact us at tel. 210 275 6802, or in the or via the contact form below
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