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Repowering - replacement of equipment

Over time, the efficiency of photovoltaic panels declines by about 1% per year. Usually, the real decrease in efficiency is even greater due to the deterioration of some panels caused by factors such as the PID (Potential Induced Degradation) effect and small cracks caused by adverse weather conditions.

What is the optimal time to replace the panels in a PV farm?

The replacement time depends on many factors, such as the fixed energy sale price, the type of PV farm, and the rate of power output reduction.

What are the benefits of replacing photovoltaic panels?

Replacing the panels in a photovoltaic park can provide significant advantages, both financially and technically, such as:

  • Increased Power Efficiency: New panels incorporate the latest technological advances, offering higher efficiency to maximize your profits from the energy produced.
  • Optimized Energy Utilization: Modern panels are manufactured with high-quality materials, ensuring longer lifespans and better resistance to weather conditions.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: With new panels, you'll experience fewer breakdowns and lower maintenance requirements, ultimately reducing your operating costs.
  • Improved Warranties: Unlike older panels, which often had limited or no warranties, new panels come with extended coverage for breakdowns and performance issues, providing peace of mind.
  • Faster Return on Investment: New panels deliver improved performance and a reduced cost of ownership, ensuring a quicker return on investment due to increased productivity and lower maintenance costs.
  • Opportunity to Sell Old Panels: You can sell your old panels, generating additional revenue to help offset the cost of replacement.
  • Enhanced Wind Resistance and Reduced Need for Trackers: New panels feature a smaller surface area, reducing wind resistance and minimizing the need for additional tracking systems.
  • Tax-Deductible Expenses: The cost of replacing panels is tax-deductible, offering additional financial benefits.

Contact us  today for a customized quote on panel replacement. With the prices of new panels constantly changing, don't miss out on the opportunity to boost the efficiency and value of your PV farm!

For more information, please contact us at tel. 210 275 6802, or in the or via the contact form below
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